The Lit-House
A Vessels of Light Poetry Journal
Housing Literary Vessels that Shine.
Things Just Got
Brighter Because
Your Poetry is Here.

“I invite you to think of this page as a literary lighthouse, a virtual building where original light-filled poems will be collected in one space to savor, share, and shine as vessels for Christ…”
Welcome In,
Let the Reading Begin…
Introducing The Birth of Light
A Special Advent Collection of Poetry on the Nativity
Christmas Edition 2024
1891 Wood Engraving by Gustave Doré
“Lord! I'm bursting with joy
over what you've done for me!
My lips are full of perpetual praise.”
— Psalm 34:1 (TPT)
Introducing “Burst of Life,” an original Vessels of Light summer poetry journal focused on celebrating the divine creation of life that lives around and within us. From the beginning of time, this world has been “teeming” with wild, vivacious, God-breathed life (Genesis 1:20). Everywhere you look, you will find some sign of what the Greeks call Bios ( Βίος ), or physical life — whether it be bright turquoise waves rolling into the frothy white shore or a school of colorful fish swimming underneath them, tropical volcanoes erupting with blazing red lava or sweet, warm rain showering luscious green jungles filled with ripe fruit trees — as embodied beings who crave life that we can experience with our five senses (sight, sound, scent, taste, and touch), tangibly grasping and savoring nature, this physical sign of life is absolutely exhilarating to witness and absorb.
But it doesn’t stop there; this isn’t the only kind of life that exists. Zoe (ζωή), the Greek word for eternal life, is an entirely different spiritual phenomenon that happens to be the main inspiration behind this summer poetry journal. This is the kind of divine, eternal life that is radically birthed within us at the moment of true belief in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of the world. When we experience true Zoe, we are miraculously transformed from the inside out. Our soul spiritually “becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within” ( John 4:14-NLT), exploding with joy and bursting with life that never dies! Simply put, an inner catalyst takes place that changes us for all of eternity, charging us with everlasting life that will never run out.
C.S. Lewis put it this way in his book, Mere Christianity: “A man who changed from having Bios to having Zoe would have gone through as big a change as a statue which changed from being a carved stone to being a real man. And that is precisely what Christianity is about. This world is a great sculptor’s shop. We are the statues and there is a rumor going around that some of us are some day going to come to life.”
In desiring to cherish the external beauty of creation while capturing this internal spiritual phenomenon within humanity, this journal was looking for your most vibrant language for this collection, an outpour of zealous life within the lines of your poetry, revealed through a rush of passionate Christ-centered light. We wanted to explore the question: Even in the midst of present darkness, how have you experienced an explosively life-changing “burst of life” in your living and active relationship with Jesus? We wanted to house life-giving, deep-image, unconventional, passionate, experimental, joy-filled, Avant-Garde, and utterly epiphanic poetry to cherish and celebrate within this lively literary lighthouse, and the culminated outcome of this collection embodies just that and more!
How can we not burst with joy and pour out continual praise over the life God has given us! In Jesus Christ, we are most certainly transformed from human stone to breathing spirit, mere flesh and blood to a “living vessel of light” by the power of the Holy Spirit, and this is no small phenomenon; we can’t help but explode with joy.
The ultimate prayer for this poetry journal is that you will encounter a brilliant burst of life from each passionate poem, and be reminded of the everlasting gift provided to us through Jesus who, as our Living Water, stirs a never-dying, powerful wave of eternal life in our believing hearts. Everyone who comes to genuine faith in God can experience this extraordinary shift from mere Bios ( Βίος ) to wild Zoe (ζωή)!
Let this poetry be a true testament to that.
A special thank you to my go-to photographer sister, Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizonsPhotography), who provided all of the bright ocean photography for this special summer journal ( view some shots below).
Finally, may this poetry journal bring explosive joy to every reader!
Enjoy, savor, share with others, and have fun reading.
& Keep Burning Brightly,
Alexis Ragan

Featured Photographer: Gabrielle Johnson
Photo by
Founder of Chasing Horizons
This summer especially, Gabrielle Johnson, owner of Chasing Horizons Photography, has been diving into the Word and enjoying every photographic experience God has provided her.
You can contact her at :
Connect with her on her website :
And on instagram : @chasinghorizonsphotography
“All I can do is float in His current and listen as He says, “Be still,” as life eternal soaks through my skin.”
— Gabrielle Johnson
Debut Cover Artist: Shayna Miller
Shayna Miller is a self-taught artist who specializes in watercolor and oil paintings. Most of her work includes bright florals, rich landscapes, and detailed nature paintings. She often finds inspiration for her work while spending time in nature, and she enjoys adding the beauty found in everyday life to her paintings.
Follow her on instagram: @shayssketchbook
and check out Etsy to see more of her art!
“I had so much fun creating the cover art for this issue. I love what the theme stands for, and how it speaks of all the color and life and joy that Jesus brings!” — Shayna Miller

Burst of Life
Secondhand Joy by Abby Dengler
The Dog Days Are Over by Aberdeen Livingstone
The Colour of His Love & Testify by Adine Pietersen
Underwater Volcanoes by Alexis Ragan
Window of Tears by Alexa Robbins
How Does the Spirit Move by Chelsea Fraser
Heartburst by Christel Jeffs
The Creator’s Color Wheel by Clio Florenca DeVitis
Lightfields, Youth Night, Places to Find Light, & Pop! by Courtney Moody
Creation & Where Grace Rains by Deborah Rutherford
The Ghost, on Joy by Deidre Braley
Waking Up by Hannah Sanders
Beauty in Rain by Kayla Farner
Effigy of Aliveness & Songs and Prophesies by Kristine Amundrud
Wildflower Psalm by Mariana Mosli
By the Ocean by Nataly Garcia
Bridger Wilderness, June by Nicholas Trandahl
Po(e)megranate by Raz Al-Jaf
How to Eat a Coconut, Rice Fields, My Soul Waits for the Lord…Ps. 130:6, & Flamboyán Tree in July by Rosa Lía Gilbert
Stop and Stare (GASP!) by Sarah Salter
Life & Dearly Beloved by Seth Kronick
Living Flame by Sylvia Wagner
At the Beach & To the Writer and Artist/To Being Human by Taylor Blayse
© 2025 Vessels of Light