Photo by Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizons)
A Poem by Taylor Blayse
I sit,
toes curled in the sand,
eyes lost in the dancing waves
earnestly for me.
What is this powerful,
unexplored body of water
trying to say?
It crashes steadily, mimicking
my thundering heart,
grazing my feet at times
and engulfing my entire body the next.
But nevertheless, it is always finding me.
No matter how far back I may sit, no matter
how deeply I bury my toes within the sand,
hiding in darkness,
afraid of its touch.
Hope always finds me.
Perhaps she is not so quiet, so timid
as I often think.
No, she persists vigorously,
like deep blue waves with white caps
weary from traveling,
but strong enough
to venture to shore undoubtedly.
So I sit,
relishing the feeling of sand,
its coarseness therapeutic.
I let the waves reach
me, I let them embrace me tightly.
I let them turn my heart to Hope,
her presence pairing
with His earnest and unfailing love.
A melody, a battle,
a dance for my attention.
I let them have it,
I let them hold me,
at the beach.
Taylor Blayse is an author, writer, and teacher. She has been sharing her writing on her blog since she
was fifteen. Taylor writes about growth, hope, and childlike faith. When she isn’t writing, she can be
found reading, spending time with friends, gardening, wandering around bookstores, and enjoying the
outdoors. To read more of her writing, visit her website at Feel free to connect
with her on instagram: @taylorblayse