Photo by Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizons)
A Poem by Sylvia Wagner
At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit burst out;
He amazed the disciples with flame.
He enabled the apostles to leap
to languages they did not previously know —
The gospel burst forth from the mouths
of simple ones, timid ones, imperfect ones,
and it spread as heaven’s wildfire.
The gospel did not break; it continues
to gush forth with power
and bear fruit forever.
And the Holy Spirit is not a “once-only” burst,
like a water balloon filled up and then popped,
but an everlasting explosion of life
with and infinite and matchless God.
This person of the Godhead
burns on and lives in us.
a seal,
and mighty.
God continues to make the gospel
burst forth today,
nurturing the flame, inspiring it to grow.
Sylvia Wagner enjoys reading the Bible, reading fiction and nonfiction, writing, sewing, walking around,
spending time with her family, and being with her community. She wants to grow in loving and
glorifying God. She lives with her family in southern California.