Photo by Jorge Bermudez on Unsplash
A Poem by Adine Pietersen
Once I saw the Lord,
I could not be silent!
He put my scoffers to shame
and set my soul free —
How could I be silent?
I had to shout it out!
He made the demons flee,
I could not be silent.
He quenched the thirst within me.
I drank from His living water —
How could I be silent?!
He met me at the well.
He waited there just for me.
He told me of all my sins.
He knew me from the inside out.
I could not be silent!
He noticed my pain,
He healed it with one touch!
How could I be silent?
He drew a line in the sand.
He noticed me in a sea full of people.
He called me daughter.
How could I be silent?
I could never be silent!
I could never be silent!
I could never be silent!
Adine (Hebrew name Adina) is a prophetic poet and writer. She follows the Messianic faith and she's a first-generation Dutch and Malaysian mixed race. She survived poverty, being bullied, body shame, depression, abuse, abortion, suicide, domestic violence, miscarriage and divorce. She prefers vegan food and is more of an introverted woman. On most days you can find her head buried in a good book while drinking copious amounts of herbal tea or scribbling frantically in her notebooks with ink-stained fingers, all within the in between daily living. But more importantly, she loves Yeshua and the Torah. Hop onto her website to read more of her poetry, creative nonfiction and to witness how she is turning God's Word into art.
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