Photo by Karl Callwood on Unsplash
A Poem by Rosa Lía Gilbert
More than mango trees for the month of May
with its breath that blows on leaves to caress
the seeds of orange fruit
about to grow and grow and grow
until pregnant branches reach down
to the ground to meet the hands
of the farmer who waits for mangos
more than the soil waits for rain
that sprays out from the tropical sky
like a fountain of living water
irrigating the farmer’s field
to feed those hungry souls
that wait for the Lord.
Rosa Gilbert is a stay-at-home mom and publishing assistant at Calla Press Publishing LLC. Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Spanish is her first language. However, it was through learning English at a young age that she fell in love with words and poetry. She hopes to make a difference in publishing by helping faith-based writers bring their stories to life. She holds a B.S. in Journalism from Liberty University and has worked as a freelance editor for Dr. Steven J. Lawson’s OnePassion Ministries. Her poems have been published at The Way Back to Ourselves, Calla Press, and forthcoming in the Twenty Hills Publishing Nature Anthology. She lives in suburban Ohio alongside her husband and daughter. You can find her writing at and @rosagilbertpoetry.