Photo by Doriana Dream on Unsplash
A Poem by Taylor Blayse
My words, held captive,
trapped in tight crevices,
stripped of sunlight.
gasping for air.
They dance along the front of my brain,
at the tip of my tongue.
My mind refusing to let them take shape.
Neglecting them,
keeping them hidden,
an arm’s length away from my pen and page.
Why do I lock my creativity into these tight boxes?
When my Creator threw limitations
and boxes and rules
to the wayside when
He made me.
When He made you.
Yes, He let every wild thought
burst forth, unafraid, a sense of
urgency and wonder
and glory-filling,
a once dark and empty space.
Just look at what He has done!
Wildflowers in parades of colors, standing tall,
saluting the sun.
Birds taking flight,
awakening the world with their loveliest,
liveliest concert —
a sacred song!
Just look at how the wind blows,
shaking tallest treetops as it invites them to
to let loose and feel the strength of that breeze,
how it wildly whips their leaves,
their hair.
Just look at the wonders our Creator
Has made and loved.
What He called good.
Look at you.
There are oceans in your eyes,
Tree trunk lines on your fingertips.
There is power in your legs,
your arms,
sunshine radiating off your face.
He did not trap creativity inside a box
when He made you.
He did not snuff out its light.
And you, too, were born to create in this way.
To unashamedly spread beauty and sing loudly of His love
everywhere you go.
Now, set forth,
do the good work.
Love the Lord
and love people.
Break down the edges of that box,
let His love ripple through you.
Let it pour out your heart and into your words,
painting this broken world.
Taylor Blayse is an author, writer, and teacher. She has been sharing her writing on her blog since she
was fifteen. Taylor writes about growth, hope, and childlike faith. When she isn’t writing, she can be
found reading, spending time with friends, gardening, wandering around bookstores, and enjoying the
outdoors. To read more of her writing, visit her website at Feel free to connect
with her on instagram: @taylorblayse