Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash
A Poem by Kristine Amundrud
There is a song
about to burst forth,
straight out of your chest–
mimicking birds at dawn.
Listen for it–be attentive.
Do you feel the heavenly vibrato?
Receive it from your Maker–
a chorus for the nations!
You thought your anthem was lost forevermore–
the melody gone missing
in a drawn-out season of mourning,
replaced by a dim funeral dirge.
But I tell you, it was there all along–
part of your inheritance.
Like the robin, a harbinger of spring,
declares a new season of lush joy,
your song will surge out of gutters!
Anticipate a bumper crop,
with overflowing baskets of ripe,
abundant fruits.
Juice trickling down your chin
as you lift up
your hands in unabashed praise!
There is a song pouring out of you!
Renounce shrinking back and diminishing.
Resist blending in with harmonies.
Your voice is an a cappella solo,
preordained by the Father–
the melody written ideally fits your range,
with a phrase the shape of redemption–
a motif of freedom!
Your song rises up to greet soprano notes–
a mountain-peak melody to honor our God.
Exhale each and every fear.
All dissonance will end in the home key–
a chord that sighs
and impeccably utters–
KRISTINE AMUNDRUD is a wife and homeschool mom to three kids, living between the Rocky Mountains
and Prairies of Alberta, Canada. In the busy day to day, she’s pursuing healing through story work and
writing. Kristine hopes you will find traces of God’s immeasurable goodness in the words she shares.
Connect with her on Instagram @kamundrud