A Poem by Kristine Amundrud

Indeed, God’s Kaleidoscope–

purposed and uniquely designed

to mirror light–

admittedly gifted to echo His joy.

Revolving with the seasons,

you shift and tilt with life’s turbulence,

much like trees when they bend.

Faceted beads despair,

freely tumbling in complete surrender–

catching a brilliant luster,

a briefly buoyant glance off mirrors.

With each unexpected, jarring pivot,

fragments of serendipitous sparkle,

produce pathways to elation.

The delicate disarray of your story,

stirs up shadowy unrest.

But as chromatic circumstances

disrupt one’s pastel reverie,

joy calls out!

Viewed in Light of His love,

the crushed shards birth


fragrant gardens and still lifes!

Behold glorious mosaics, courtesy of Elohim–

the One who renders art from within,

where you thought there was none.

Your insignificant scraps,

are worthy of awe and wonder.

These pieces, tossed about,

form a flamboyant contrast–

a spotlight on ebullience!

Dear Marvelous Masterpiece,

As you see the effigy of aliveness take shape,

and pause to pluck your breath,

do you find that you are no longer perplexed?

We are all kaleidoscopes of unfading

hued promise–

Reflecting His light, His joy.

Reliant on a trinity of mirrors to reframe brokenness

into a galaxy of scattered jewels!

Passionate, prismatic, portraits

depicting dayspring!

With each rotation, God delights in you even more!

The mystical light-filled dance

tenderly begs you take notice.

Never stop stirring, dipping, pirouetting

your way out of sullen spaces.

The specks of hurt,

all slivers of pain,

and remnants of grief–

they are rolling you towards tomorrow’s

blissful beatitude–

an eternity of joie de vivre.

KRISTINE AMUNDRUD is a wife and homeschool mom to three kids, living between the Rocky Mountains

and Prairies of Alberta, Canada. In the busy day to day, she’s pursuing healing through story work and

writing. Kristine hopes you will find traces of God’s immeasurable goodness in the words she shares.

Connect with her on Instagram @kamundrud


