A Poem by Deborah Rutherford

Early morn dons, the sky, and her majestic hues

stretch out across the horizon and beyond

as the sun ascends, rays of glory.

                 See me

A symphony of water splashes, 

spray perfumes senses; 

like holy towers, these deep forest trees.

                     Feel me

A celestial dance where the whole world watches something God

made, not man: Eclipse.

                     Watch me

Winter lays down her velvet garment

to rest and delight, deep in her snow.

                 Rest with me

Like jewels across the lawn,

a second spring blushes the maples and oaks.

                     A gift for you

A cry entered the world,

emerging from liquid womb.

                     You are good

And every spring rebirth and new growth

where the Cross made spring eternal.

                     I Am

Days lengthen in summer’s caress

where butterflies and sunflowers follow the sun.

I am the Way

Like the first dawn,

how can we not know of God

when His love is everywhere?

Deborah Rutherford, a poet, embarks on a journey sharing the wonder of God through the unusual and the ordinary, finding God everywhere. She has found solace and redemption from childhood and young adulthood trauma through Jesus and writing. Bringing her stories out of the dark into the light has been life-saving and illuminating. She is the founder of the Behold-Her Beauty Blog & Podcast at Her poetry and writing have been published in the Way Back to Ourselves, Vessels of Light, Aletheia Today, and the Calla Press, Literary Journal Spring 2024. Deborah is currently working on her debut poetry collection with Editor-in-Chief Kimberly Phinney of the Way Back To Ourselves.


