Photo by Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizons)
A Poem by Mariana Mosli
Beneath the towering cityscape, there’s an alleyway—
a fracture between the city’s vibrant lights and shadows.
The neon orange sun occasionally peeks in,
casting fleeting glimmers of hungry light.
Life surges here, overlooked, yet indomitable.
From the gray concrete where hard soles tread and weeks-old gum clings,
a stubborn, audacious weed emerges.
Amidst the city’s chaos, there is awe in this quiet rebellion.
It pushes through, a green and humble stallion.
Surrounded by hostile, foreign ground,
this resilient wildflower becomes a silent psalm of praise.
Silent, as passersby trample without a second glance,
yet loud in its very existence. A burst of praise,
making its movement to grow, to live,
to sing out an unmistakable declaration:
"Let everything living bless Him,
flourishing where life
seems most constrained!"
Every crack in the pavement, every shadow cast,
reveals its defiant beauty. Among the steel and stone,
it rises, boisterous life sprouting beneath the city skies.
New hope blooms in its unyielding persistence,
a beacon of chlorophyll green in a world of unpredictability.
Underneath the hardened soles, it presses on,
reclaiming wonder in its unassuming triumph.
In this seemingly "silent" burst of life, a sonic connection!
The heart, like this unwanted plant,
vibrantly bursts forth from inner earth,
carrying glory even in the harshest conditions.
Enduring supercells and storms,
flourishing through life’s driest valleys.
So rise, bright soul, like this wildflower in the city!
Determined, resilient, full of dignity.
Underfoot, unnoticed by most,
our psalm of praise
And so will you.
Mariana Herrera Mosli, a celebrated photographer, has dedicated 15 years to capturing the rich cultural diversity of the world. As a Cuban-American writer and English as a Second Language speaker, she intertwines her passion for art, literature, and theology into her spiritual journey, crafting a vivid tapestry of life experiences. Her writing serves as a bridge between the secular and the sacred. Drawing from her battles with mental health and the complexities of motherhood, she writes for those on the fringes, the misunderstood, in the overlooked sphere where Jesus met her. Through her personal experiences and future literary works, Mariana, aims to contribute to the intersection of affective science and theology, every word for God’s glory.