Photo by Mandy Beerley on Unsplash
A Poem by Alexis Ragan
When I found out underwater volcanoes existed, I was taken
back to the summer of my juvenescence, when, in the sultry heat,
the water shocked my sun screened skin when I dove in,
when thirsty bees would buzz songs longing for nectar in
our ears right above the water, the cannonball my father made
creating an atomic bomb of chlorinated waves splashing onto
sizzling concrete, my damp feet playing hot potato with the ground,
the nearby garden oozing with life in saturated color, bright petals
cooking in the bright, low setting sun — the splashing, the bubbles
exiting laughing mouths, the diving deeper and deeper until faces look
towards the inviting light and playful arms shoot up towards the surface
and explode like newly erupted lava, this undeniable joy spilling out
of bursting hearts, fire red melting into tempestuous blue, happy to call
this moment our own. Maybe life is one brilliant underwater volcano,
this bubbling over of experiencing life in the natural God-weaved world,
building and building up within us until…Pop! We can’t help but let
the beauty pour right out of us, this infectious bliss of breathing and swimming,
running and singing, that we only long to let others know about. Of course,
there are times when we had to pull the bees out of pools with loose leaves,
reminding us that life helps life and sometimes we fall down, but the zealous bees
still shake off their drenched wings and find the spirit, the fire inside to fly,
to burst with life, once again. Let our lives be like underwater volcanoes,
full of water and flames painting the world with joy, let them be like zealous
bees who dip low to taste the sweet water and then take off into
the wild, blazing, burgundy sunset, eternally alive.
Alexis Ragan is a creative writer and poet, convinced that art serves as a powerful window of worship that helps lead humanity back to God’s heart. As a seasoned ESL instructor who is passionate about global missions, she presently blends her love for writing and teaching for the sake of the Great Commission.