A Poem by Deborah Rutherford

Dear God,

here is my tender heart.

With you,

I am like a child again;

sunshine cascades:

A countenance of joy.

A rain shower,

Your tears,

a baptism

of soothing balm,

a river of love

lifts the veil.

Now, as an older woman,

Grandma age, some say,

Your love brings me back

to those precious days of purity.

Where grace rains,

a sweet aroma 

pierces my soul and spirit,

marrow and bone.

Excavating debris

hiding in my crevice,

my flesh;

a holy fire purge

through showers

of celestial song.

Where grace rains, 

droplets dance,

gentle but firm,

splashing wonder

soaking my earth.

You stripped shame;

dead pieces of me, 

snapped away,


from head to toe.

A love

burst into my being;

I sparkle like jewels.

A love which bears my sin’s

weight and shackles

quenches my thirst.

I am forever

in your embrace,


in your pleasure

of preciousness 

as grace rains down.

To know you love me

is everything,

my Savior, 

who died for me; 

cherished, I am.

I was undone, 

but you put me back together 

where grace rains, 

and I run into your embrace 

of liquid living water.

Washed clean, 


as grace rain 

washes my sin wounds cool 

like your gentle scars, anew.

I emerge a shiny new one, 

glistening and fine-tuned, 

a princess from the


a new flower to bloom; 

a new sunset rise; 

a rainbow in the sky;

dancing in the rain.

Deborah Rutherford, a poet, embarks on a journey sharing the wonder of God through the unusual and the ordinary, finding God everywhere. She has found solace and redemption from childhood and young adulthood trauma through Jesus and writing. Bringing her stories out of the dark into the light has been life-saving and illuminating. She is the founder of the Behold-Her Beauty Blog & Podcast at www.deborahrutherford.com. Her poetry and writing have been published in the Way Back to Ourselves, Vessels of Flight, Aletheia Today, and the Calla Press, Literary Journal Spring 2024. Deborah is currently working on her debut poetry collection with Editor-in-Chief Kimberly Phinney of the Way Back To Ourselves.


