Photo by Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizons)
A Poem by Seth Kronick
I want to love you with all my heart.
From the moment I learned of your beauty,
I was infatuated, impassioned with the idea
of serving you. This has only grown
into a deeper zeal that my heart has made
room to hold—a love, a great love.
There’s no inch of you I don’t admire, nor a care
of yours I wouldn’t carry. Oh, and your spirit!
What a sincere soul! The way of worship—
how one shows complete reverence for another—
it’s so easy to get lost in such a way
and so sublime to be found, just like how
you found me before I took up your mantle.
O, to be a poet. What is poetry, if not
a recollection of all the wonderful things
You’ve done in your own sweet way?
Seth Kronick is a poet and journalist from Southern California. He currently studies as an MFA student at CSU, Long Beach. He is also a member of the Haiku Society of America. Seth's poetry has appeared in journals such as Trash Panda, Frogpond, Poetry Pea, IAMB, Hearth and Coffin, and Same Faces Collective among other publications.