Let Us Be Stubborn

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

A Poem by Kaira Low

Look, there’s an opening in the brick wall!

Our knuckles bruise against the bricks

until they come tumbling down

A steadfast stubbornness in the Spirit will do it;

Breakthrough will happen

Look at the trickling of light grow into a stream!

Look at the light pour forth from the crack in the wall!

Let us stand up, raise our voice, and proclaim,

The Light is here

Like Peter and John, let us be stubborn

For we can’t keep quiet about what we have seen and heard

The Light is here

Let us make way.

Kaira Low grew up in the sunlit suburbs of Southern California. She is studying Public Relations and Biblical and Theological Studies at Biola University. Kaira loves writing about the beauty of God and His people. She has an affinity for sunset walks, pickle ball, and 60s soul music.


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