Anna’s Aubade

Photo by C Perret on Unsplash

A Poem by Henrietta DuCap

Eighty-four years

I have counted,

waiting for my Lord

as the mourning 

of turtle-doves fills

the air like smoke

from burnt offerings.

The widowed world

mourns for her Redeemer

each time a feather of white 

spins from pinions to 

the red pool under the altar. 

Today my heart flutters,

joyous blur like hurried wings. 

He is here.

We wait no longer. 

I see the new mother,

soft gray under her eyes, 

and hear the baby cooing.

My song joins Simeon’s now, 

as two birds wake the world 

with a song of arrival.

Henrietta DuCap earned her B. A. in Creative Writing. Her poetry has been published in Ekstasis, Vessels of Light, The Way Back to Ourselves, Solid Food Press and more.. She lives in Lansing, Michigan with her husband and baby girl, and her middle-grade historical fiction novella is forthcoming next year!


Light Everlasting


A Tear in the Firmament