The Bridegroom

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

A Poem by Hannah Sanders

Walk, dear friend,

Down sunlit aisle,

Let darkness loose the bind;

Bathe in the light,

The shadows fall behind.

Keep walking, friend,

The sun still shines;

Decapitate that snake,

Those lies.

When night returns

With darkness


To swallow sight,

Or winter weight

Falls heavy white

Blanketing the morn,

The bridegroom breaks

The sky with light

Each dawn reminding

That day’s coming!

This message he carries

To the ends of the earth:

‘I’m but a shadow

Of your true Bridegroom

Who returning,

Darkness not splintering

But driving out,

Will give light from Light.

Hannah Sanders is a follower of Jesus, wife, mom to 2 boys, and a classical school teacher. She lives in pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty and is always finding these in pursuit of her in Christ. She has been shaped by diverse cultures and landscapes but now calls Texas home. Find more of her writing and art on Instagram


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