Finding Redemption
Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash
A Poem by Amber North
Sent by a man with
malicious intentions,
Magi were on the search—
They journeyed to a town
to find a boy whose eyes
foresaw their rebirth.
The star stood still
on the One who would
supply pure rest.
The degree of His splendor
never to be measured;
redemption laid in His hands.
Did they know this child was
the giver of life?
Crimson would turn white,
just as Isaiah had foretold.
The gift of His birth was worth
far more than gold.
Dreams sent warnings,
leading them to choose
a new route home—
more loyal to the King of Kings
who descended from Heavenly throne.
Amber North is a writer from Montreal, Canada. She's working towards getting her bachelor's degree in English Literature with a minor in Theological Studies. She loves intertwining her faith in Jesus with her passion for writing and finds poetry is a therapeutic way to outpour her sufferings to God. Her poetry has been featured in the following literary journals: The Way Back to Ourselves and Vessels of Light. You can follow her writing journey on Instagram at ambersn_creative_writing_.