Sight and the Soul

Photo by Mara Ket on Unsplash

A Poem by Bethany Peck

The nights have been long,

like my soul has felt too,

and the cold has kept me

under bed covers

while my heart has needed hibernation.

I’ve been both afraid

and befriending of the winter,

wondering when the season of darkness will end

while wishing I could keep cocooning,

letting the rest restore to my core.

But my canine companion

has pulled me from my comfort

on this morning

and I’m stronger now,

to set out alone,

while he runs circles,

and me, moving slowly, yet alive,

gratitude grounding my steps

that crunch the crystals of frosted terrain

glittering like the stars that are starting to dim.

In the depth of my eyes

where sight signals emotion,

the awakening brightness

sparks something warm

as I watch for the dawn.

What is it? I wonder,

welcoming first light, as my

optic nerves receive the softening of deep blues,

while sending a deeper message

that starts to seep into my soul.

The sun is just on the horizon now,

and the night I once thought endless

has let me leave shadows behind,

while my slowed breath strengthened my lungs

so I’m able to absorb the chill,

and stretch my legs to go forward.

All of me now knows it,

the growing light

glows from within too

for a new day will soon be here.

Gazing east, blazing light breaks,

as beams of light filter through

tree limbs lifted like arms of praise

and every fiber of my being

hums along a song of wonder,

for it’s not just Christmas morn,

light has come to my life again.

With eyes flitting for the brilliance,

and my skin nipped by frosted air,

this awaited day, these sensations show

how hope is enfleshed.

Bethany is a writer and photographer living near the beautiful Chesapeake Bay in northeastern Maryland. She loves nature and writes about experiencing God's love through creation at and on Instagram at @beautiful_purpose_writing. In her day job, she gets to write stories for local ministries in the Baltimore area. She and her dog Hunter stay active by hiking, kayaking, and enjoying long evening walks.


The Delight of Dogs in the Snow


The Humble See God and Are Glad