
A Poem by Kristine Amundrud

We long for stories to be rewritten,

as we tally vivid dawns and wail off key

Bright rhythmic shards of burning debut,

new mercies for each human in history

Tumultuous plot twists have painted our skies

Intense yet subdued, all creation cries

Awaiting Eden’s gates be defiantly unlatched,

a modern-day burning bush to herald his presence


In the “not yet” places of our stories, a curtain awaits being torn in two

We declare from our quarries that You are God

Our eager eyes grow fixed anew

While tender places scab over, light peeks from yonder east

declaring the rhythmic pulse of promise

We anticipate a heavenly feast

foretelling all God’s mending secrets revealed

Could it be, our hearts burn within our chests?

Acknowledge now the darkness, while howling for the dawn

A double-edged sword will pierce heartache

We are keening for the cock to crow,

for all bawling to dissipate

lamenting for the day to reveal…


Kristine Amundrud is a wife and homeschool mom. She finds joy creating in the kitchen, walking

alongside her husband, adventuring in the Canadian Rockies, and cuddling up with her children and a

good storybook. She loves friendships that go beneath the surface. At the end of the day, she is a

daughter of the King who is loved beyond measure. Kristine holds a Bachelor of Music in Piano

Performance from the University of Alberta, as well as a Bachelor of Education.

Connect with her on

Instagram @kamundrud and at


Strolls At Sunrise


Snow Falling