Flourish: A Meadow Worth Prancing In
Photo by ChasingHorizonsPhotography
A Poem by Alexis Ragan
“It is a heart that walks us into the bright meadow of the felt love of God” - Dane Ortlund
As for me,
I will chase after you
in fields of forever,
petals of paradise plunging
from the sky as I reach out
to touch you, to hug you,
to free fall into flowers
that sing your name,
untame I was until
You called me by name,
and when I run through
the rows of roses you planted
in my life, I begin to reminisce
of my child self, when you first
embraced me on a blushing day,
when I went outside simply
to play, there you were hovering
over like a Father does above
His child — bursts of joy jump
from bud to bud in this field,
and I feel like I could run towards
You forever.
A meadow worth prancing in,
that is what this is, and ever
since I have found it, I come back
again and again. Pink, orange, and yellow
smiles spill out of me like the fresh
brook around the corner gushes
with love from above — and I take
a dip after our chasing one another,
refreshed and met according to
your agenda — You planned that picnic
we would enjoy effervescently,
then following a nap in the same
meadow you called me home.
Does it get much better than this?
My heart leaps into your Abba arms
everytime I visit this place. And
everytime grace abounds me.