Make Me That River
Photo by Gabrielle Johnson (ChasingHorizons)
A Poem by Alexis Ragan
First Published in ( 2022)
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells— Psalm 46:4
Make me that river God,
one that blushes with the
pinks of your promise,
a place that pours out the
depths of your workmanship—
in ripples that flow
Yes, let that multicolored flush
reflect on the rims of my waters,
the hue of his happy—a rose lens,
maybe even an emerald film—
from the face of my Father.
Make my veins a current
for the Spirit to rush in and
throughout all the streams of me,
quenching the dry ravines in me,
and bubbling, with a certainty,
that the source of this zoë spring
is here to stay with me.
Make me that river God,
the secret creek for my Savior
to swim in, a calm body
reserved exclusively for his visits,
with room for a cleanse and a hush
when a geyser starts rising within.
There’s nothing like living
as a born-again brew,
a freshet filtered with Truth,
an active flood where agape love
gushes in, out, and through!
So make me that river God,
I forever want to be filled with you.