Light Spill
Photo by J. Brouwer on Unsplash
A Poem by Alexis Ragan
Originally Published by
Trail light out of your soul like water
does when it spills out of a pitcher,
trickling beauty anywhere and everywhere
it can get it hands on. Let it fall on unexpected
places, the zealous remnants elucidating the
surface of everything, like when Spring rain
decides to coat the leaves and all that’s green
in glistening dew. I knew there was a source
bright enough to blaze trails of jubilee
the moment my child eyes first blinked —
I saw it in my mother’s smile, the way
she let love shine out of her mouth with
words dripping with sun. Today I leave
pools of light behind me for people to dive
into when they are in a drought of dark.
There is never too much to spill.