In and Through His Light: Made to Shine

A Poem by Alyssa Linkletter

Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life” — John 8:12 (NLT)

I can be a lighthouse,

I can light up my life by lighting up my body and breath,

I can light up my path because it’s already been done for me;

with every step I take, 

I have certainty that God has a plan for me.

My words are my own,

my body and my breath are my own,

so I can be my own source of light,

I can be my own guiding light, 

because that’s who God has created me to be —

One who is always seeking to connect with Him.

Instead of looking out, 

I can shine from the inside out.

It’s happening!

The light within

is all enveloping!

When I allow it, I shine 

effortlessly by being who He has created me to be —

myself, whole, perfect and complete in His eyes.

Worthy. A golden child not based on merit or favoritism, 

but because I have been created in His unconditional love.

Incessantly, His love pours into me — 

constantly giving in a gentle but palpable and deeply attuned way,

no matter what’s happening, I can get in touch with Him when I am in surrender,

allowing His warmth to lift me, light radiating through me.

With the basket lifted, I bask in the beam

that can cut through any night,

I am a light, a lighthouse.

Meet Alyssa, a compulsive and voracious writer with a love for capturing the essence of life’s moments. When she's not guiding children through yoga, painting, or teaching expressive arts, Alyssa can be easily spotted fervently typing in her iPhone notes, scribbling on a post-it, or writing in one of her dozens of notebooks. 

Her writing is a heartfelt exploration, a journey that intertwines observations, experiences, and learnings. For Alyssa, writing is more than a creative outlet; it's a profound way to uncover the beauty and connection between things, and to connect with God. 

Through her writing and work with children, Alyssa hopes to inspire expression, compassion, connection, generosity, and wonder.




Shrinking the dark