
A Poem by Drake Hernandez

Once below, a firmament’s face raced ahead a momentous pace,

though now, as wounds a drop are thick, does Winter’s bond untimely stick.

Waters once ran free now lost grace: Conscience, Brace and Lace all lack haste,

as Faith’s own fervor chills in wick, deprived of drop and youthful trick.

Widened are the cracks in close kin, for your currents draw them within

to lakes of one's own heaven — tempt is ill produced, good will exempt.

Lesser streams apart flow broken, falling tandem, now lay frozen;

complexion mirrored, still unkempt, of Nature’s order all descent.

Callused dwell the streams of strayed cries — save for sun on static clout eyes:

a falsehood melting beam now sprung upon your frigid screens far-flung.

Brooks apprize, the meekest first rise, flow in modest compromise, wise

in wade resigned as one now clung towards sea: the first of lessons sung.

Winter’s darkest prime will soon end, fragments part and jointly find mend,

in newly outward cordial pour on earthly thaw forevermore.

Therefore, bear this biting slough rend, yesterday's floe this day upend,

let my own drafting spring implore the Savior’s ardor you cry for.

Drake Hernandez is a writer striving to make an influence on the lives of those around him, be it through poetry or prose. After earning his Bachelor's Degree in English Literature from California State University, Long Beach in Spring 2023, he has returned to campus to work towards earning his credentials to teach high school English in Orange County. Desiring good company, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, discussing their thoughts of the world around them, their hopes and dreams, and how they can grow as a community in bringing others to Christ.


What It Might Grow


True Light