Just a Little Closer

A poem by Kolten Slaughter

Just as He turned the water 

Back into wine 

He turned my heart 

Closer to Him,

Closer to beauty, 

Closer to light,

Closer to life.

"Kolten Slaughter is an English and Creative writing teacher based out of North Carolina. Kolten loves reading, playing sports, with a deep passion for poetry. He loves writing about life experiences, love, pain, the human experience, and most importantly the God that created the universe; the nature in God's world that draws us closer to Him. Art is the ultimate expression of faith. Poetry is the place where worship comes to life and breathes. If you would like to read more by Kolten you can go to his blog at kpspoetry.com or his instagram page @KS_1234567890"


A poem for a Grieving Pastor


Tablets, Take One: Addendum