Sonnet for the Nativity
Photo by Burkay Canatar
A Poem by Kristine Amundrud
No airy portico where Christ was born
But stable of such filthy rotting stench
Cold stone where hay and fodder did adorn
Emmanuel whose love in time would quench
this world where man has fed and nursed on sin
Messiah placed with purpose in a trough
The Jesse tree proved God would be sovereign
Naively, second coming to be scoffed
The shepherds seized in crispness of the night
by symphony of strong angelic host
Divine collides with human–thus delight
The paradox is such that we should boast
Appoint me shepherdess under the stars
With eagerness, desiring who you are
Kristine Amundrud is a wife and homeschool mom to three kids, living between the Rocky Mountains
and Prairies of Alberta, Canada. In the busy day to day, she’s pursuing healing through story work and
writing. Kristine hopes you will find traces of God’s immeasurable goodness in the words she shares.
Connect with her on Instagram @kamundrud.