Unplanned Guide

A Poem by Sarah Steele

you never planned how you’d respond

in someone else’s darkest hour.

you maybe couldn’t even see

the depths of shadows in my bower,

with your own light shining brightly

as i, in the corner, cowered.

and yet, you recognized my anguish,

walked so gently alongside me,

taking in your hand my own,

your light now blazing, there to guide me

back to Jesus; finally feeling

darkness leaving, spark inside me.

Sarah is assistant editor and contributor for Waybaack2Ourselves.com

She thrives on community that goes deep and is grounded on biblical truths.

Sarah is a poet and lifelong teacher. These days, that looks like leading her four lively redheads in their Michigan homeschool and engaging with students of all ages in poetry workshops, watercolor classes, nature study, and book clubs. She thrives on community that goes deep and is grounded on biblical truths. Sarah has published two alphabet books with her illustrator husband (yes, also a redhead) and is preparing to publish a poetry memoir about boundary-less living, codependency, debilitating anxiety, and the life-changing effect of a gentle counselor. You can find Sarah’s work on Instagram and Facebook @bysarahsteele.This was written for a dear friend who walked closely with Sarah through that dark period when she was trying to get free. She was completely broken, heart darkened by grief and pain. It was her faith that reignited Sarah’s.


A Conversation


The Sparrow