
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

A Poem by Kolten Slaughter

I believe we hate who 

we are because we did 

not first fall in love with what we 

wer’e becoming. 

What a peculiar thought, 


This natural change which 

feels so unnatural, this

wind which flows southward 

is suddenly drifting north. 

This journey in becoming 

becomes bitter and hateful 

when we gaze with eyes 

too low for beauty. 

Like a lamp dimly lit

in the darkness.

Why resist that which 

doesn’t stop 

chasing us?

It is startling to see the desires

of an artist be killed,

or the wings of a worm

never come to be.

We run from that change 

and wonder why we have 

become lost in the forest of 


Do you believe the 

Redbirds look at themselves 

and wonder “how can we

Become more red?”

Do you think the old man 

worries that his cigar 

shoulders into ash

as if that cigar was not 

Becoming itself?


They just are. 

Instead of drifting silently, 

scream with your heart,

drift loudly in the wind,

and lead with your soul.

And then, just maybe then 

you may find yourself already 


Kolten Slaughter is an English and Creative writing teacher based out of North Carolina. Kolten loves reading, playing sports, with a deep passion for poetry. He loves writing about life experiences, love, pain, the human experience, and most importantly the God that created the universe; the nature in God's world that draws us closer to Him. Art is the ultimate expression of faith. Poetry is the place where worship comes to life and breathes.

If you would like to read more by Kolten you can go to his blog at or his instagram page @KS_1234567890.


Yellow Door

